1991年国家有关部门发文明确规定禁用毒鼠强以来 ,市场上仍有非法销售 ,据 1998年的不完全统计 ,农村毒鼠强占灭鼠药的 2 2 %左右 ,中毒案例时有报道 ,2 0 0 0年以来 ,我院收治 3例以鼠药自杀引起精神障碍患者 ,经毒理室分析为毒鼠强中毒。 3例中 ,2例为精神医学司法鉴定案例 ,
According to the incomplete statistics of 1998, the rural tetramine occupies about 22% of the rodenticide, poisoning cases have been reported 2, the state department concerned issued a clear provision prohibiting tetramine poisoning since the market is still illegal sales, according to incomplete statistics in 1998, Since 2003, 3 cases of mental disorders caused by suicide of rat poisoning have been treated in our hospital. 3 cases, 2 cases of forensic psychiatry cases,