棉绿盲蝽寄主多,活动范围广,全年发生5代。越冬卵孵化后先在棉田外取食、活动,三代起陆续迁入棉田繁殖危害。近两年,我地湖桑面积扩大,并套种蚕豆、黄花作物等,4月中下旬一代盲绿蝽若虫盛期,湖桑田内虫量极大,为绿盲蝽的主要虫源田。据观察,湖桑枝上若虫自二龄起向套种作物上转移。因此建议: 1.提倡湖桑田套种绿肥等作物,次年在一代绿盲蝽三至四龄若虫盛期埋青,不仅增加土壤肥力,并可减少虫量。要注意从四周
Larvae host more green bugs, wide range of activities occurred throughout the year 5 generations. Overwintering eggs after hatching first in the cotton field feeding, activity, three generations of cotton seedling gradually moved into harm. In the past two years, I have expanded the area of lake mulberry and planted faba bean and yellow flower crops. In mid-to late April, the nymphal of Nymphaea spp. It is observed that the nymphs on the mulberry branches from the second instar to the intercropping crop transfer. Therefore, it is suggested that: 1. To promote the planting of green manures and other crops in Lake Sangtian. The next generation of greenlegging bugs of 3 to 4 nymphs will help to increase soil fertility and reduce insect population. Be careful from all around