目前界线层型的确定多以生物标定 ,但在国际地层委员会二叠 -三叠系界线工作组确定的 4个二叠 -三叠系界线层型候选剖面中 ,生物地层界线却较难精确对比。因此 ,其他具有广泛对比意义的事件地层标志也被用来作为确定二叠 -三叠系界线的辅助标志。本文把磁化率特征(古气候的代用指标 )运用于二叠 -三叠系界线地层研究中 ,发现华南许多剖面上高精度的磁化率在二叠 -三叠系界线处具有同步的变化趋势 ,因而 ,磁化率特征可以作为二叠 -三叠系界线地层对比的辅助标志。
At present, the determination of boundary stratigraphy is mostly biomarkers. However, in the four Permian-Triassic boundary layer candidate profiles defined by the Permian-Triassic Boundary Working Group of the International Stratigraphy, the stratigraphic boundary of bio-stratigraphy is more difficult to accurately compare . Therefore, other widely-contrast event stratigraphic markers have also been used as auxiliary markers to determine Permian-Triassic boundary. In this paper, we apply the magnetic susceptibility (paleoclimate proxy) to the study of Permian-Triassic boundary stratigraphy and find that the high-precision magnetic susceptibility in many sections of South China shows a synchronous trend at the Permian-Triassic boundary, Therefore, the magnetic susceptibility can be used as a secondary marker for Permian-Triassic stratigraphic correlation.