有关古蜀的历史 ,历来云遮雾绕。例如《山海经》记述的“鱼妇”、“颛顼”,就见仁见智 ,有许多不同的看法。本文结合考古材料 ,对此作了考证 ,指出了问题的关键 ,推测认为鱼凫族原是氐人 ,为炎帝族支 ,与颛顼族处于同一时代。鱼凫族的徽记 ,主体形象应当是鱼 ,以捕鱼为主业。开明族应是鱼凫氏的嫡氏子孙 ,逃亡荆地 ,后返蜀治水 ,取代杜宇族而禅让复国。
The history of the ancient Shu, has always been covered with clouds. For example, “Shan Hai Jing” described “fish woman”, “Zhuan Xu”, on a matter of opinion, there are many different opinions. This article combines the archeological materials, which made a research, pointed out the crux of the problem, presumably that the Yuna is a native of people, for the Yandi tribe, and the Zhuanxu in the same era. Yuzu emblem, the main image should be fish, fishing-based industry. The enlightened ethnic group should be their children and grandchildren, fleeing to Jingdi, returning to Shu water, instead of Du Yuzu and Zen to repay.