Due to the strong pressure sensitivity of reservoirs, many deep complex low-permeability reservoirs have problems of rapid decline of production rate and failure of recovery of production during the production process. Many oilfields have passed the reservoir pressure sensitivity evaluation test, and the evaluation results are weak pressure-sensitive or pressure-less sensitive. However, they are characterized by strong pressure sensitivity in the actual development process. Laboratory pressure sensitivity evaluation results deviate from actual reservoir conditions. The main reasons leading to the sensitivity of the laboratory to the measured pressure sensitivity are lower than that of the reservoir under high pressure. The first is the pressure-sensitive time-lag effect of the permeability of the abnormally high pressure reservoir and the other is the porosity and infiltration Irreversibility of rate loss. In order to accurately evaluate the sensitivity of reservoir stress, the laboratory needs to make each confining pressure point maintain the corresponding time to ensure that the permeability of the test has been stabilized. The core used in the experiment must be the core removed under the original condition of the reservoir. For low-permeability reservoirs, it is recommended to use cores of the same fracture density and permeability of 20% to 40% if using reservoir cores with decreased formation pressure.