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书写时序的判断在笔迹检验鉴定中,常作为确认单字笔迹的笔顺特征,判定文件中是否存在添改写事实,是否存在伪装等变造事实的依据而被广泛使用。笔迹书写时序的无损判定常常借助于笔迹所反映出的内在实质,即习惯性书写动作系统。针对书写速度较慢的无连笔、无交叉字迹笔画中书写时序的判定,主要是通过相邻笔画起收笔反射动作的照应关系,单字中关键性笔画的运笔趋势和相同的相邻笔画的间距等方面进行判断。针对书写速度较快的有连笔字迹笔画书写时序的判定则主要是透过把握书写动作中“形连”与“意连”的关系来进行。在字迹中有交叉笔画的书写时序的判断中,对使用水溶性色料的笔种,常通过墨水的洇散现象、纸张纤维的流向、墨水拖带现象等特征进行分析;对使用油溶性色料的笔种,常通过笔画沟痕特征、色料堆积特征、笔痕光泽特征等微观现象进行判断。 The judgment of writing sequence is often used as a stroke-sequence feature to confirm single-word handwriting. It is widely used to determine whether there exists any fact that exists in the document, such as modification and rewriting, and whether there are any altered facts such as camouflage. Nondestructive judgments of handwriting writing timing often rely on the intrinsic substance reflected in handwriting, the habitual writing motion system. Judgment of the writing sequence in the strokes-free and non-cross-strokes of strokes, which is slow in writing, is mainly based on the correspondence relationship between the reflex actions of the adjacent strokes and the key strokes in the single word and the same adjacent strokes Pitch and other aspects of judgment. For the writing speed is faster, the writing sequence of writing stroke with stroke pen is mainly determined by grasping the relationship between writing style and writing style. In writing, there are cross-stroke writing timing judgments, the use of water-soluble pigment pen species, often through the phenomenon of tangled ink, paper fiber flow, ink drag phenomenon and other characteristics were analyzed; the use of oil-soluble color Of the pen species, often through the strokes groove strokes traits, pigment accumulation features, pen marks, gloss characteristics of micro-phenomena to judge.
摘要:作为我国国民经济中占据重要位置的产业,房地产企业是资金密集型企业的典型。尤其是大型项目中,房地产企业对资金的需求量往往很大,其资金多数为外部融资。但在房地产金融体系上我国仍然存在不完善的情况,在融资方式上比较单一,使房地产企业在融资上的难度有所加大,一定程度限制了房地产企业的发展。本文主要从我国房地产企业融资现状及存在的问题出发,对新形势下房地产企业融资创新方式进行研究分析。  关键词:新形
捧读陈安教授的皇皇巨著“The Voice from China: An CHEN on In-ternational Economic Law”(《中国的呐喊:陈安论国际经济法》,以下简称《中国的呐喊》),不禁为他的学术硕果与驾
【摘要】法律援助是人们维护自身合法权益的有效途径,也是国家政府维持社会秩序的必要手段。现如今,已有许多国家建立起了较为完善的法律援助体系,我国也建立起了符合国情的相应法律援助机制。然而,与西方发达国家相比,我国的法律援助体系还存在着一定的问题。文章分析了我国现有法律援助制度中存在的问题和缺陷,并提出了相应的整改措施。  【关键词】法律援助;解决途径;法律体系  我国的法律援助体系自建成以来,已经经