Retention of testicular integrity and testosterone levels upon ingestion of garlic cloves(Allium sat

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengxuyuanx
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Objective: To investigate the effects of acute and chronic aqueous garlic extract ingestion on testicular cellular integrity and serum testosterone levels.Methods: Twenty(20) male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing an average of 120 g were used.Animals were divided into three groups. Group A served as control(10 rats for 28 and 56 d respectively), while treatment Groups B and C were given 200 mg/kg for Allium sativum(garlic cloves) extract for 28 and 56 d respectively.Results: Histological analysis revealed the presence of all spermatogenic lineages, appearance of proliferative activities in the interstitial cells, as well as increased serum testosterone levels.Conclusions: This study confirmed proliferative and restorative potentials in both acute and chronic garlic ingestion. Objective: To investigate the effects of acute and chronic aqueous garlic extract ingestion on testicular cellular integrity and serum testosterone levels. Methods: Twenty (20) male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing an average of 120 g were used. Animals were divided into three groups. Group A served as control (10 rats for 28 and 56 d respectively) while while Groups B and C were given 200 mg / kg for Allium sativum (garlic cloves) extract for 28 and 56 d respectively. Results: Histological analysis revealed the presence of of all spermatogenic lineages, appearance of proliferative activities in the interstitial cells, as well as increased serum testosterone levels. Conclusions: This study confirmed proliferative and restorative potentials in both acute and chronic garlic ingestion.
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新华社专电,美国一家生物企业近日启动一项使用胚胎干细胞治疗人类失明的项目。在先前动物实验中,胚胎干细胞植入法有效改善实验鼠视觉能力,基本恢复视觉功能。 Xinhua News