与人生关系最密切的,莫过於空气与水。水由空气中的水汽转化而来,水汽又取源於水,这样相互关联地循环发展着。这里就水汽、云和雨的简单成因与相互间的关系略加讨论: 水汽由水蒸发而来水汽是由水蒸发而来的。蒸发就是液体的气化。在我们的地球上,蒸发作用无时无刻不在进行着,平均每年全球蒸发的水量有三十七万九仟二百立方公里,其中由海面蒸发的占三十万四千二百立方公里,
The closest thing to life is nothing more than air and water. Water is converted from the water vapor in the air, and the water vapor is also derived from water, which is cyclically developed in association with each other. Here a brief discussion of the simple causes of water vapor, clouds, and rain and the relationship between them: Water vapor evaporates from water. Water vapor comes from evaporation of water. Evaporation is the vaporization of liquids. On our planet, evaporation is occurring all the time. The average annual global evaporation of water is 3,792,200 cubic kilometers, of which 34,200 cubic kilometers are evaporated from the sea surface.