The Analysis from Literary Terms in How to Get the Poor off Conscience

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  1.The contents interpretations
  1.1 Historical background of text
  When the author wrote this article, Reagan and his colleagues was in the White House. In the 1980s,during Reagan’s time, conservatism prevailed and supply-side economics was dominant. After the Great Society in the 1960s, social welfare system suffered the
  first setback under the Reagan Administration. A contraction in social welfare set in.
  1.2 Analysis of the reasons of wealth gap
  These years,the international financial crisis reveals the secrets of America.The wealth gap in USA has been enlarging since the 1970s.The disparity between the rich and the poor are more severe.1% of the world population holds 99% of the world wealth. There are ten million (dollars) millionaires in the world while there are one billion poor people who live on less than $1.25per day.
  The primary cause:The nature that capitalism squeeze out the surplus value of labour
  Economic reason:The advancement of technology ,the transformation of industrial structure,the aggravation of capital accumulation and American economic situation and economic policies are the main elements influencing the distribution of wealth.
  In America,some social problems such as racial discrimination,the increase on single-parent families and rise on the number of unmarried mothers can also have impact on enlarging the wealth gap.
  2.Analysis from literary views
  2.1 Analysis of Tone
  2.1.1How to understand the title
  In this article,John Kenneth Galbraith chooses the title “How to get the poor off conscience”to keep the readers spellbound and make a conversion in the last part of this essay.The title seems to suggest that Professor Galbraith is joining other philosophers and economists in trying to find a theory to get the poor off our conscience. This false impression will not change until we come to the end of the essay and unless we have a firm grasp of the ironic tone of the writing.With respect to the tone of this article,we can find many evidence between lines and paragraphs,demonstrating Professor’s critical attitude towards those so-called doctrines. For example,Galbraith does not mince words in criticizing Reagan’s economic policy, especially his rocketing defense budget. Galbraith warns at the end of the essay “Civil discontent and its consequences do not come from contented people.”He points out that to make the poor contented is in the interest of the big business.   The author has mentioned doctrine in Bible,utilitarianism,Malthusianism,social Darwinism,and a psychological denial several means to totally ignoring the existence of the poor.Actually,although he says these methods are admirable,or good measures he is satirical here,and take a condemnatory biting tone to criticize these historical relentless methods,for succoring the unfortunate is no doubt the ultimate solution.
  2.1.2Explanations by exemplifying
  1.This is, in some way, an admirable solution. It allows the rich to enjoy their wealth while envying the poor their future fortune.
  He is being ironical here. He calls it”an admirable solution”because now the rich can “get the poor off their conscience”.
  2.Being incompetent and ineffective, it must not be asked to succor the poor; it will only louse things up or make things worse.
  Since the government is incapable and inefficient, it should not be asked to undertake the task of aiding the poor. Otherwise, it will make a mess of the job or make the situation worse. The author here is to satire the view that ascribing the ignorance to the uselessness of the government.Finding excuses is the common way.
  2.2 Analysis of writing style
  As an argumentation,some complex economic concepts or terms in the passage are expressed concisely and easy to understand by the author.The structure is also very clear that we know what he wants to convey to us.
  ”Their grievously uncontrolled lust caused them to breed up to the full limits of the available subsistence.”
  “Poverty being caused in the bed meant that the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration.”
  As for the Malthusianism,the author chooses to cite other people’s theory to explain it more accessibly,reflected on these sentences.For example,he relate the reason of poverty to excessive fecundity,which allures the evil lust of the poor.Because they could not control their sexual desires, they gave birth to too many children who consumed all the living materials they could get. This is a grievous fact. The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem. Malthus urged that the marriage ceremony should contain a warning to people not to have excessive sex and too many children. By”irresponsible”, Malthus meant that sexual intercourse should not be conducted merely out of lust, without thinking of its consequences.
摘要:《孙子从美国来》这部电影围绕中国皮影戏艺人老杨头和洋孙子布鲁克斯讲述他们之间发生的故事。老杨头是中国传统文化的代表,布鲁克斯则是美国文化的代表,在文化差异的影响下,他们从对抗冲突经过曲折的碰撞和相互之间的包容,最终变对立为友情,变冲突为融合。本文将从饮食习惯、语言表达方式和价值观这三方面来解读这部电影中所反映的中外文化差异。  关键词:《孙子从美国来》;中美文化差异  电影的主人公祖孙二人分
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摘要:本文从纯语言的角度出发,在功能语法情态量值理论框架下,通过对小说《黄色墙纸》中话语情态的分析,意在揭示语言如何通过情态表达态度、体现意义,从而更好地剖析小说中人物的心理,理解语篇的社会意义,也为系统功能语法中利用人际功能探讨语篇意义提供了佐证。  关键词:情态量值;《黄色墙纸》;人际功能;语篇意义  1.引言  韩礼德(Halliday1994)把语言的元功能分为概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能
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摘要:本文通过对明清时期浙闽粤畲族历史嬗变进行系统研究,梳理这时期地域人文、民俗的变迁。特别是在民俗文化之间的体现尤为显得至关重要。从而,阐述在艺术文化价值和历史价值。  关键词:明清;畲族;民俗;比较  一、研究背景  明清时期,对于畲族历史而言是一个重要的阶段。这时期由于封建统治空前加强和民族大融合等原因,畲族由闽、粤、赣三省交界地区逐渐向闽中、闽北、闽东、浙南、赣东等地迁徙,从而形成了“大分