莲藕传统栽培方式是以整枝藕繁殖,成本高、用种量大,667平方米需用种藕300~400公斤,且传播病虫害。采用顶芽作种繁殖,每667平方米只需要种藕5公斤左右,可节省用种量80%以上,节约成本约600元,而且减轻病虫传播,是目前较先进的繁殖栽培方式。其关键技术要点是: 1.挑选藕种 由于顶芽繁殖提早“断奶”,前期生长较慢,整个生育期要延迟。因此,在每年的3月中下旬至4月初,于气温稳定在13℃以上的晴天,选择健壮无病虫伤、生
The traditional cultivation method of lotus root is based on the pruning lotus root propagation, which has high cost and large amount of seeds. It requires 300-400 kg of lotus root for 667 square meters and spread pests and diseases. The use of top buds for breeding, only 667 square meters every kind of lotus root about 5 kg, can save more than 80% of the amount, cost savings of about 600 yuan, and reduce the spread of pests and diseases, is currently more advanced breeding methods. The key technical points are: 1. The selection of lotus root breeding as a result of early bud “weaning,” early growth is slow, the entire growth period to be delayed. Therefore, in the middle of each year in March to early April, at a temperature stable above 13 ℃ sunny days, choose a healthy disease-free insect pests, Health