市场经济的浪潮拍岸而起,第三产业的东风浩荡而来。上海作为国际大都市正朝着世界的经济、金融、贸易的中心这一宏伟目标,加快着前进的步伐,追逐着时代的脉搏。 社会的高速发展,带给人们以欢快与祥和,在我们为之骄傲自豪的时候,一种忧郁,一丝困惑也悄悄地袭上了心头。静心驻立于大都市这些富丽堂皇、典雅精致的购物和娱乐场所,仔细地观洋,职业的敏锐感和责任感,不难使我们察觉其欠缺与隐患的一面,这就是消防上的严重不足。即现代化的生活缺乏现代化的消防
The tide of the market economy rushes to the shore, and the tertiary industry’s east wind may come. As an international metropolis, Shanghai is moving toward the grand goal of being the center of the world’s economy, finance and trade. It has accelerated the pace of advancement and chased the pulse of the times. The rapid development of society has brought people joy and harmony. When we are proud of it, we feel sad, and a little puzzled and quietly hit the heart. Standing meticulously in these magnificent and elegant shopping and entertainment venues of the metropolis, carefully observing the ocean, the sense of sensitivity and responsibility of the profession, it is not difficult for us to perceive its deficiency and hidden dangers. This is a serious shortage in firefighting. That modern life lacks modern firefighting