强化执法监察职能 规范产权交易行为

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近年来,镇江市监察局把对国有企事业单位产权交易执法监察作为服从服务于社会经济发展的重要切入点,注重将执法监察贯穿于产权交易的全过程,在监察中推动产权交易市场建设,在推动中实施事前、事中、事后监察,严格规范产权交易行为,有效防止公有资产流失,切实维护了职工的合法权益。 一、建立三类制度,明确产权交易行为规范 在产权交易执法监察过程中,市监察局紧紧抓住制度规范这一基础和关键,会同相关部门制定出台了一系列有针对性、可操作的制度规定,切实做到“改革未动,规矩先行”,为促进国有企事业单位改制顺利健康的进行奠定了坚实基础。 第一,以规范国有企事业单位改制为突破点。制定五个办法。在市委、市政府出台了《关于规范国有企业改制招投标程序的实施意见》、《关于进一步规范产权交易市场的通知》以及《关于加强对国有企业改制中中介机构规范与监管的意见》等文件的基础上,会同有关部门制定了《关于企业改革操作程序的暂行规定》、《关于企业改革专项资金筹集管理的暂行办法》、《关于企业改革中资产财务处理的暂行办法》、《关于企业改革中地产房产处置的暂行办法》、《关于企业改革 In recent years, the Zhenjiang Municipal Supervision Bureau has taken enforcement and supervision over property rights transactions of state-owned enterprises and public institutions as an important entry point for obeying services in social and economic development. It has also focused on running law enforcement inspections throughout the entire process of property rights transactions, pushing forward the construction of property rights trading markets, In promoting the implementation of ex ante, during and after the supervision, strictly regulate property transactions, effectively prevent the loss of public assets, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. First, the establishment of three types of systems, a clear code of conduct for property rights transactions In the property rights law enforcement monitoring process, the Municipal Supervision Bureau firmly grasp the basis of this standard and the key, in conjunction with the relevant departments to enact a series of targeted and operational Rules and regulations, and earnestly “reform has not moved, rules first”, in order to promote the smooth and healthy state-owned enterprises restructuring of the work laid a solid foundation. First, to standardize the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and institutions as a breakthrough point. Develop five ways. In the municipal party committee and municipal government promulgated the “Opinions on the Implementation of Procedures for Regulating the Reform of State-owned Enterprises Bidding,” “Circular on Further Standardizing the Exchange of Property Rights,” and “Opinions on Strengthening the Regulation and Supervision of Intermediary Institutions in the Restructuring of State-owned Enterprises” and other documents The Provisional Regulations on the Procedures for Enterprise Reform, the Interim Measures on the Management of Special Funds for Enterprise Reform, the Interim Measures on the Financial Treatment of Assets in the Enterprise Reform, and the Measures for the Reform of Enterprises Interim Measures for Disposal of Real Estate Properties “,” About Enterprise Reform
摘 要: 《白夜行》的作者用忧郁基调奠定男女主人公凄凉的爱情故事,在每一件事件背后都透露他们各自的感情纠纷,一切的一切都由深深的情感与无奈完全贯穿,时代的发展紧紧地牵引着人物的命运,直至结尾达到沸点。  关键词: 东野圭吾 《白夜行》 爱情  在《白夜行》中东野圭吾将主体内容围绕一个犯罪案例展开,贯穿各自凄凉的情感,用爱的线索追寻。东野圭吾在推理上拥有毋庸置疑的实力,将这份爱情藏在一段相当长的时间
摘 要: 短篇小说“Enemies”中,作者运用了多处对比刻画人物形象及补充故事情节,从宏观角度看既是两个主人公的对比、两个社会阶层的对比又是个人情感与社会人道的对比。从微观角度,“Enemies”处处展现对比,不论是主人公的态度、外貌还是行为,抑或是色彩,从而将整个故事更好地展现出来,使小说情节更丰满生动。  关键词: 探究小说“Enemies” 人物形象 对比  短篇小说“Enemies”讲述
摘 要: 高中文言文教学经常会陷入这样的误区:由于课时有限,教师除了讲读字词句外,无法解读其他内容。文言文教学要不要进行思维的拓展呢?这个问题一直横亘在许多老师的心里,无法得到妥善的解决,本文就此进行了分析。  关键词: 文言文教学 思维拓展 思考与实践  高中文言文教学经常会陷入这样的误区:由于课时有限,教师除了讲读字词句外,无法解读其他内容。文言文教学要不要进行思维的拓展呢?这个问题一直横亘在
摘 要: 通过比较阅读让学生更好地探究文本内涵,和作者产生情感共鸣。比较阅读的方法有三种:在诵读过程中比较能让学生升华情感;在还原中比较能让学生探究文本的本来面目;在替换比较中能让学生对比文本的差异性;在链接比较中能让学生增长见识。这些都是比较阅读的方法,能让学生感受到文本的内涵。  关键词: 比较阅读 高中语文 教学策略  高中语文阅读教学中,教师经常让学生对文本进行讨论和探究,比较阅读是促进学