迪斯尼影片《白雪公主》里有这样一个场景——七个小矮人一边欢快地走向矿井,一边兴奋地唱着歌:“Hiho,hiho,It’s off to work we go……”而现时生活中的我们却对工作很少有如此的热情。工作中,我们每个人所做的只是工作的一部分,这极大地破坏了人对生活的具体感受,现代生活节奏快,人很难改变自身的生活,人变成了“经济原这个家园没有篱笆没有指手画脚的权威没有拒人千里的冷漠你的痛苦你的困惑你的欣慰你的焦虑你的思考……到这里倾吐到这里谈论吧
There is such a scene in the Disney film ”Snow White“ - the seven dwarves marching excitedly to the mine while singing songs: ”Hiho, hiho, It’s off to work we go ..." We have so little enthusiasm for our work. In the work, what every one of us does is only a part of the work, which greatly destroys the concrete feelings of the people. The fast pace of modern life makes it hard for people to change their own lives. People become the original economy. Fence No finger-pointing authority No refusal Thousands of miles of indifference Your pain Your confusion Your comfort Your anxiety Your thinking ... here to pour it to talk about it