药品不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR)是指正常剂量的药品用于预防、诊断、治疗疾病或调节生理功能时出现的有害的和与用药目的无关的反应~([1])。药品不良反应关系到人类的生命与健康,现已成为全球普遍关注的社会问题。回顾性分析2014年1月至2015年12月我院发生的119例ADR患者的病例资料,旨在了解其发生特点,促进临床合理用药,报告如下。
Adverse drug reaction (ADR) refers to the harmful drugs used in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases or physiological functions and has nothing to do with the purpose of drug use ([1]). Adverse drug reactions related to human life and health, has now become the world’s social issues of universal concern. A retrospective analysis of 119 cases of ADR patients occurred in our hospital from January 2014 to December 2015 in order to understand the characteristics of its occurrence and promote clinical rational use of drugs, the report is as follows.