In this paper, the time of cell cycle and the coefficient of variation (CV) of mouse KHT sarcoma were determined by measuring the intracellular radioactivity changes in G 1 and middle S phases (RC). After intraperitoneal injection of ~3H-UdR, ~125 I-UdR was injected at 8 hours. The tumors were taken at 2 hour intervals to make a single cell suspension. The DNA specific dye, chromomycin A_3, was stained and FACS fluorescence was used according to the cell DNA content. Activate the cell classifier to isolate pure G1 and middle S phase cells, and measure the radioactivity of ~(125)I and ~3H in the cells, using a multi-chamber mathematical model based on the ~(125)I and ~3H in each cell. Changes in radioactivity were calculated to be 6.7 hours for TG_1, 9.0 hours for Ts, 3 hours for TG2M, and a growth index of 1.