狭义的私募股权投资(Private Equity,缩写为“PE”)是指通过私募基金的形式,对非上市公司进行的权益性投资,而且通常选择的是已经形成一定规模并产生稳定现金流的成熟公司进行投资,并购基金和Pre-IPO投资是其中在资金规模上占最大比例的投资机构。伴随着社会融资需求的多元化以及多层次资本市场的发展、成熟,私募股权投资的范围也在原有的对非上市公司进行的权益性投资的基础上,
The narrow definition of Private Equity (“PE” for short) refers to equity investments in unlisted companies in the form of private equity funds, and usually takes the form of a private equity fund that has been formed to a certain size and generates a stable cash flow Mature companies investing, mergers and acquisitions and Pre-IPO investments are among the largest investment agencies in terms of size of funds. With the diversification of social financing needs and the development of multi-level capital markets, the scope of mature and private equity investments is also based on the original equity investments in non-listed companies,