进一步搞活农产品流通,尽快形成开放、统一、竞争、有序的农产品市场体系,为农民提供良好的市场环境,是农业和农村经济持续稳定发展的迫切需要。要根据各类农产品的不同特点和供求状况,采取相应的方式和步骤,改革农产品流通体制。 粮食是关系国计民生的战略物资。建立适应社会主义市场经济要求和我国国情的粮食流通体制,对于保证粮食安全、经济发展、社会稳定具有重大而深远的意义。深化粮食流通体制改革,必须把握好以下几点:第一,把立足国内保障粮食基本自给、保护农民种粮积极
Further enlivening the flow of agricultural products and opening up an open, unified, competitive and orderly market system for agricultural products as soon as possible and providing farmers with a sound market environment are urgent needs for a sustained and stable development of agriculture and the rural economy. According to the different characteristics of the various types of agricultural products and the supply and demand situation, we should take appropriate measures and steps to reform the agricultural product circulation system. Food is a strategic material that relates to the national economy and people’s livelihood. Establishing a grain circulation system that meets the requirements of the socialist market economy and the national conditions of our country is of great and far-reaching significance for ensuring food security, economic development and social stability. Deepen the reform of the grain circulation system, we must take a good grasp of the following points: First, based on the domestic food security and basic protection of farmers to grow food