目的了解广东省2010年健康人群脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)中和抗体(Neutralizing Antibody,NA)水平,为维持无脊灰提供参考。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,从全省21个设区的市抽取健康人群1307人,采集静脉血标本,用微量中和试验测定脊灰NA。结果 I、II、III型脊灰NA阳性率分别为94.57%、95.72%、89.36%;几何平均滴度分别为1∶77.75、1∶56.84、1∶30.24。抗体水平有随年龄增长而下降的趋势;珠江三角洲地区人群脊灰NA水平高于非珠江三角洲地区。结论广东省健康人群脊灰NA水平良好,但NA存在年龄、地区差异。
Objective To understand the levels of polio (Neutralizing Antibody, NA) in healthy population in Guangdong Province in 2010, and to provide a reference for maintaining polio-free status. Methods A stratified random sampling method was used to select 1307 healthy people from 21 cities in the province. Venous blood samples were collected and the NA of poliomyelitis was determined by micro neutralization test. Results The positive rates of NA in cerebrospinal fluid of type I, II and III were 94.57%, 95.72% and 89.36%, respectively. The geometric mean titers were 1: 77.75, 1: 56.84 and 1: 30.24 respectively. Antibody levels tended to decline with age. The pollen NA level in the Pearl River Delta region was higher than that in the non-Pearl River Delta region. Conclusion The pollen NA of healthy population in Guangdong Province is good, but there are age and regional differences in NA.