7月11日、13日、1 6日,农工党中央“学精神、学党章、学党史”知识竞赛广西、吉林、河南三个赛区的决赛胜利落下帷幕。农工党中央副主席陈述涛、杨震、龚建明分别出席并观看了三个赛区的决赛并为获奖代表队颁奖。他们在开幕讲话中一致强调:各级农工党组织要以开展知识竞赛为契机,不断推进学习实践活动深入开展,进一步增强广大党员对中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理
On July 11, 13 and 16, the victory of the Peasants’ Party Central Committee’s three contest sections Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jilin Province and Henan Province quiz won the quiz. Chen Shuotao, Yang Zhen and Gong Jianming, vice chairmen of the Peasants’ Party Central Committee attended and watched the finals of the three division and presented awards to the winning teams. In their opening remarks, they unanimously emphasized: At all levels, the Peasant Labor Party organizations should take the opportunity of knowledge contest as an opportunity to continuously push forward the study and practice in depth so as to further enhance the party’s self-confidence in the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.