漢語、文學分科教學以後,在漢語課方面,全國絕大多數中等學校和中等師範學校的各個班,今年秋季都要先學漢語第一冊第二冊合編。開始是講第一編《緒論》,接著講第三編《文字》。《文字編》內容不複雜,可是要很好地達到教學要求卻比較困難。這是因爲我們現在仍在使用漢字,同時文字又正在逐步改革,在文字的形體既須“一定”(沒有一定的形體就不能作爲記錄語言、交流思想的工具)又須“變動”(要改革就不能不變動)的時候,怎樣對待漢字,以及教學生用什麽樣的態度對待漢字,確是個不很容易掌握的問題。解決這樣的問題,一個首要的條件是教師先要有對待漢字的正確態度,或者說,先要緊緊地抓住《文字編》的教學目的。《文字編》的教學目的,《教學參考書》上說: (一)使學生認識漢字過去有功續,現在仍然是記錄漢語的工具,引起學生好好學習漢字的感情。 (二)使學生認識字必須寫得清楚、正確,才能
After the teaching of Chinese and literary subjects, in Chinese classes, most classes in secondary schools and secondary normal schools in the country must learn the first volume of the second volume of the Chinese book first. The beginning is the first edition of the “Introduction” and then the third edition of “The Word.” The content of “Text” is not complicated, but it is difficult to meet teaching requirements very well. This is because we are still using Chinese characters at the same time that the text is undergoing gradual reforms. The form of the words must be “ certain ” (without a certain form, it cannot be used as a recording language, a tool for exchanging ideas) and “change ”(When reforms cannot be changed), how to deal with Chinese characters and what kind of attitude Chinese teachers use to deal with Chinese characters is indeed an issue that is not easily grasped. To solve such problems, one of the most important conditions is that teachers must first have the correct attitude towards Chinese characters, or they must first firmly grasp the teaching purpose of the “Word Series”. The purpose of the teaching of the “Text Editors” is stated in the “Teaching Reference Book”: (1) To enable students to recognize that Chinese characters have been used in the past. It is still a tool for recording Chinese language and causes students to learn Chinese characters well. (b) To make students understand words must be written clearly and correctly before they can