叠三字句 妙笔点睛

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《行香子》这个词调为北宋新声,张先词乃创调之作,描写一女子容貌美,歌舞技艺高超但内心郁积愁恨。苏轼以此调写了七首,用于咏物、写景、酬赠、感叹人生。其后,秦观、李清照,辛弃疾、蒋捷等人都有作品。此为双调,六十六字,以四字句和三字句为主,间以两个上三下四之七字句,节奏较明快。特别是上下片结尾各有由一个字带领的三个三字句,多为排偶句并且句法结构相同,意义连贯,意象优美,音 The word “Xing Xiang Zi” is the new sound of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Xian Ci is a masterpiece of creation, description of a woman looks beautiful, superb song and dance skills but the inner gloomy sad hate. As a result, Su Shi wrote seven poems for chanting, writing scenery, paying gifts and sighing for life. Since then, Qin Guan, Li Qingzhao, Xin Qiji, Jiang Jie and others have works. This is a double tone, sixty-six words, with four words and three sentences based, between two to three under four of seven words, rhythm more bright. In particular, there are three three-word sentences led by one word at the end of each piece, mostly row and even sentences, with the same syntactic structure, meaning and continuity, beautiful images and sound
1992年11月17日,这是一个极其平凡的日子,然而,因为一个不平凡的人逝去,这个日子注定要成为永恒的时光,被亿万人永远铭记。  让我们把时光拉回到这一天的8点20分,一颗睿智的头脑停止了深邃而痛苦的思考,一双永远关注现实社会的犀利大眼失去了它的光泽,一个壮丽的生命音符戛然而止,一颗璀璨的明星从中国文坛陨落,一代文豪路遥带着对文学、对理想、对人生、对亲人的深深眷念,离我们而去!  天妒英才,悲恸人