当年,毛泽东主席称他为“名副其实的识字专家”。刘少奇主席说他是“继仓颉之后中国第二大文人”。这个人,就是原国家扫盲工作委员会副主任、中国人民解放军特等功荣立者祁建华。然而,令人沉重的是,50年代家喻户晓、创造奇迹的祁建华却一夜之间与磨难结缘,他背负苦涩,穷其一生依然研究语言文字。昔日,他1 .8米的英姿如今成了1米多的驼背老头,需要人搀扶才能免强挪动脚步。 1921年,
That year, Chairman Mao Zedong called him a “literate literacy expert.” Chairman Liu Shaoqi said he was “the second largest scholar in China after Cang Jie.” This person is the former deputy director of the National Literacy Commission, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army parliamentary classificatory Qi Qihua. However, it is very heavy that Qi Jianhua, a well-known and miraculous figure in the 1950s, became attached to suffering overnight. He was bitter, and his life was still poorly studied in languages. In the past, his 1.8-meter heroic posture has now become a more than 1 meter humpback old man, need people to help move to avoid strong footsteps. In 1921,