本文取自网络,但著名的幽默语言学家Richard Lederer(理查德·列德勒)也曾发表过类似的文章——Crazy English(《疯狂的英语》)。本篇文章举出英文单字的形成有许多不合理之处,甚至还有自相矛盾或无法自圆其说的造字规则。其实,现代的英文其实是来自多种语言,以至于与“古英语”的“纯度”相比差距甚远。像英文名词的复数形式有不规则的变化,就是源自不同语系的原因。此外,单字的词性不同,发音、意思就随之改变。有时候词汇随着时代的更迭而增加新义,有时候可能是以讹传讹误用至今。甚至有的单字、词组的定义几十种,英文难学也就不足为奇了。下面就请大家一起来看看英语这门语言是多么令人抓狂的吧!
This article is taken from the Internet, but the famous humor linguist Richard Lederer (Richard Lederer) has also published a similar article - Crazy English (“Crazy English”). There are many irrationalities in the formation of English words in this article, and there are even self-contradictory or inconceivable rules. In fact, modern English actually comes from many languages, so that it is far from the “purity” of “Old English.” The plural forms of English nouns have irregular changes, which are the origin of different language families. In addition, the word parts of the word are different, pronunciation, meaning will change. Occasionally, vocabulary adds new meanings as the times change, and sometimes it may be misused to date. There are even dozens of definitions of words and phrases. It is not surprising that English is difficult to learn. Let’s take a look at how English language is crazy!