杜鲁门主义,是指美国总统杜鲁门于1947年8月12日在美国国会两院联席会议上发表的国情咨文中提出的对外政策,就其内容而言,并没有什么惊人之处,但在资产阶级史学家看来,其重要性“可与门罗主义及参加两次世界大战的决策相比”。杜鲁门主义的出笼,是美国外交政策的一大转折,而且标志着苏美之间“冷战”的开始,它对于第二次世界大战后世界形势的发展有着深远的影响。杜鲁门本人也因此而一跃成为“指导世界大事”、“作出了一些美国历史上最关键决定”的大人物。因此,我们对于杜鲁门主义的产生及其实质,有必要深人探讨。 (一) 列宁在《帝国主义是资本主义的最高阶段》一文中指出,霸权主义是帝国主义本质决定的。它不因统治阶级头面人物的更迭而改变,只是迫于不同的国际形势与利害冲突而采取不同形式的政策而已。
Trumanism refers to the foreign policy proposed by U.S. President Truman in the State of the Union address issued on 12 August 1947 at the joint meeting of both houses of the U.S. Congress. In terms of its content, there is nothing surprising. However, in the bourgeoisie To historians, its importance “can be compared with Monroe Doctrine and the decisions to participate in the two world wars.” The advent of Truman doctrine is a major turning point in U.S. foreign policy and marks the beginning of the “Cold War” between the United States and the Soviet Union. It has a profound impact on the development of the world after the Second World War. As a result, Truman itself became a big man in “guiding world events” and “making some of the most crucial decisions in American history.” Therefore, we need deep discussion about the emergence of Trumanism and its essence. (1) Lenin pointed out in his article “that imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism.” Hegemonism is determined by the nature of imperialism. It does not change due to the change of the ruling class leader, but only takes different forms of policies under different international situations and conflicts of interest.