Cannot Do Without Enough Fabrics

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  The industrial output of apparel in the first sixmonths witnessed a growth of 17.68%, a rise of13.98 percentage points compared with the sameperiod of the last year according to the report ofStatus Quo in the First Half Year of 2010 releasedby China National Textile & Apparel Council in July.
<正>Each sector has its leader and trend setter such as KARL MAYER for the warp knitting industry. This July, Chinese warp knitting industrial professionals,alo
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与 Ningbo 时尚交易会一起,第 15 Ningbo 国际时尚节日从 10 月 19 日被保持,加亮有创造性的 Ningbo,和东方人的主题第 23, 2011 时尚。
<正>The &#39;China Textile Round Table Forum 2011&#39;,hosted by China Textile Economy Research Centre and&#39; China Textile &#39; Magazine,sponsored by Oerlik
Around the whole world,the popularity of ZARA and H&M showcases the magic of &#39;fast-fashion&#39;.Consumers do not care how many clothes in their closets,but
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