对于湖南老百姓大药房而言,2004年可以说是“五 喜临门”。 这“五喜”包括:一、在2003年已入驻9个省市的 基础上,“老百姓”又开拓4个新的省级市场,从而完 成对省级市场的战略性占领;二、销售额达到18.2亿 元,摘得2005年中国连锁药店排行榜桂冠;三、公司 迎来三周年庆典;四、成立丰沃达物流公司,进军批发 配送领域;五、全国管理机构入驻办公新址。 在这“五喜”之中,“老百姓”的当家人谢子龙最 看中的要数摘得销售额桂冠这一“喜”。
For large pharmacies in Hunan people, in 2004 can be said “Five Closer.” This “Five Happiness” includes: First, on the basis that nine provinces and cities have been settled in 2003, “common people” have also opened up four new provincial-level markets to complete the strategic occupation of the provincial market; Second, the sales reached 1.82 billion yuan, won the 2005 crown of the Chinese chain pharmacies list; Third, the company ushered in the third anniversary celebration; Fourth, the establishment of Feng Woda logistics company, into the wholesale distribution area; Fifth, the national management agencies stationed New site In this “five hi ”, “people ” when the family members Xie Zilong most fancy number of sales won the “hi”.