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纵观新时期浙江文化发展历程,从2007年第十二次党代会提出建文化大省到2012年省委十二届十次全会提出加快推动文化大省向文化强省建设迈进,再到今年省第十四次党代会提出“在提升文化软实力上更进一步、更快一步,努力建设文化浙江”的战略目标,要努力建设文化浙江,从文化大省到文化强省到文化浙江建设,这不仅仅是提法上的改变,而是对文化地位、作用、功能认识上的一次次提升。可谓是又一次文化大潮!我院作为 Looking at the development of Zhejiang culture in the new era, from the Twelfth Congress of the Party proposed in 2007 to build a large province of culture to the 2012 Provincial Committee of the Twelfth Plenary Session proposed to speed up the cultural province to a culturally strong province forward, and then This year the province’s fourteenth party congress put forward the strategic goal of “going further, speeding up one step and building culture Zhejiang” in enhancing cultural soft power, and strive to build a culture of Zhejiang Province, from a major cultural province to a strong cultural province The construction of culture in Zhejiang is not only a change in the formulation of laws, but also a second improvement in the recognition of the status, functions and functions of culture. Can be described as another cultural tide! Our hospital as
摘 要  高职院校主要培养学生的专业技能,使学生成为技能型人才,满足用人单位的实际需求。旅游专业学生需要有一定的实践经验,才能在毕业后找到满意的工作,进而提高学校的就业率。开展高职院校人力资源管理课程教学改革研究,可以有效实现高职院校整体教学水平的进一步有效的提升,促使我国的高职院校获得更加广阔的发展空间和更加理想的发展前景。  【关键词】高职院校;人力资源管理;课程教学;改革研究  随着我国经济