GPS自主导航系统(ANs)将在21世纪头10年利用GPsBlockⅡR导航星投入运行。ANs将为用户提供180天的自主导航精度,即使GPS运行控制中心(OCs)瘫焕,也能提供自主导航。本文介绍ANS系统的总体设计,讨论系统设计中的一些问题以及航空航天公司(Aerospace Corporation)对ANs方案仿真所获得的ANs性能数据。介绍了ANs的分析方法和物理模型及其数学方程。对测量数据进行了实际仿真,仿真中考虑了影响导航性能的所有环境因素和硬件效应。给出了在正常运行条件下、在异常情况下(GPS卫星出故障),以及在核打击环境下的导航性能。讨论了导致ANs性能下降的不可观测误差源。
GPS autonomous navigation systems (ANs) will be operational in the first decade of the 21st century using GPsBlock IIR navigation stars. ANs will provide users with 180 days of autonomous navigation accuracy, providing autonomous navigation even if the GPS operation control center (OCs) paralyzed. This article describes the overall design of the ANS system, discusses some of the issues in system design and the ANs performance data obtained by Aerospace Corporation’s ANs program simulation. The analytical methods and physical models of ANs and their mathematical equations are introduced. The measured data were actually simulated, taking into account all the environmental factors and hardware effects that affect navigation performance. Given under normal operating conditions, in exceptional circumstances (GPS satellites fail), as well as in the nuclear strike environment navigation performance. The unobservable error sources that led to the degradation of ANs were discussed.