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各市、县人民政府,省各委、办、厅、局,省各直属单位:根据《国务院办公厅关于印发〈棉花收购加工与市场管理暂行办法〉的通知》(国办发[2001]65号)精神,结合我省的实际情况,现就全省棉花收购加工企业资格认定与市场管理工作有关问题通知如下:一、坚持标准,严格把好棉花市场准入关国务院决定,从2001年棉花年度起放开棉花收购,继续实行棉花收购、加工资格认定制度。凡具备条件的国内各类企业均可申请从事棉花收购、加工业务。对棉花收购、加工企业资格认定,既要坚持必要的标准和条件,又要简化手续,切实把好棉花企业主体资格核准关。 Municipal and county people’s governments, provincial committees, offices, offices, bureaus, and provincial directly-affiliated units: According to the “Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Interim Measures for the Administration of Cotton Acquisition, Processing, and Marketing” (Guobanfa [2001] No. 65) Spiritually, in light of the actual situation in the province, we hereby notify the relevant issues regarding the qualification determination and market management of cotton acquisition and processing enterprises in the province as follows: I. Stick to the standards and strictly control the access of the cotton market to the State Council from the 2001 cotton year. The cotton purchase was released and the cotton acquisition and processing qualification certification system was continued. All types of domestic enterprises that have the necessary conditions can apply for cotton acquisition and processing business. As for the qualification of cotton acquisition and processing enterprises, it is necessary to adhere to the necessary standards and conditions, simplify the procedures, and earnestly approve the approval of the qualifications of the cotton enterprise.
企业简介: 丹东中铁绿舟环保包装制品厂坐落在中朝边界鸭绿江边的丹东边境经济合作区。水、陆、空交通方便,生产条件得天独厚。我厂80年代从日本引进真空吸塑先进技术和生产
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中央关于西部大开发的战略和中国加入 WTO,为国内企业提供了新的机遇与挑战,所有企业和企业家要抓住这一机遇,迎接挑战,努力把企业做大做强,在西部大开发中发挥主力军作用。