2004年7月出版的《收获》,以大量篇幅刊载余秋雨的“回忆文学”《借我一生》;同月,《南方周末》连续两期以超过两个版的篇幅谈余秋雨。余秋雨在中国文化界的分量与引起的普遍社会关注,于兹可见。 以我的有限阅读,对余秋雨的批评大致集中在三个方面:“文化大革命”中间的表现,为什么不忏悔;帮助深圳唱赞歌,得了好处;文章中的知识错误。三处性质各不相同,可以引起读者关注的内涵也大有差别:“忏悔”话题涉及的实际是对“文化大革命”的认识,深圳话题涉及文人的现实态度和行为,文章错误则是纯学术问题。
In July 2004, Harvest published a large volume of Yu Qiuyu’s “Memories of Literature” and “Lend My Life.” In the same month, “Southern Weekend” talked about Yu Qiuyu for more than two editions in two consecutive periods. It is evident that Yu Qiuyu’s weight in the Chinese culture and the general social concern it caused. With my limited reading, the criticisms of Yu Qiuyu generally focus on three aspects: the performance of the middle of the “Cultural Revolution”, why not repent; helping Shenzhen to sing hymns and gain the benefits; and the wrong knowledge in the article. The nature of the three different nature of the reader can cause great differences in the connotation of the reader’s attention: the topic of “repentance” is actually involved in the “Cultural Revolution” awareness, the Shenzhen topic involves the literati’s realistic attitude and behavior, the article error is purely academic problem.