1955年到1956年,中国科学院南京中山植物园和北京植物园对中华猕猴桃进行了引种驯化和生物学特性等方面的研究。其后,南京中山植物园中断了这方面的研究,北京植物园则保留下来一个小型试验园,现在已二十多年生,是目前我国人工栽培树龄最大的猕猴桃园。这期间,福建、浙江和湖北等省调查了当地的猕猴桃资源。 1975年以来,我国二十多省(市、自治区)陆续开展了猕猴桃资源的调查和选优。除部分地区正在继续清查外,主要地区的资源基本上已查清,并选出了一批果大、品质好、丰产的优良单株,经过连续几年的观察和嫁接后的继续观察记载,优良性状一般比
From 1955 to 1956, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Zhongshan Botanical Garden and the Beijing Botanical Garden of Chinese kiwifruit were introduced domestication and biological characteristics of aspects of research. Subsequently, Nanjing Zhongshan Botanical Garden interrupted research in this area, Beijing Botanical Garden is preserved down a small experimental park, and now has more than 20 years of age, is currently the oldest artificial kiwifruit plantation in China. During this period, Fujian, Zhejiang and Hubei provinces investigated the local kiwifruit resources. Since 1975, more than 20 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in our country have carried out the investigation and selection of kiwifruit resources one after another. In addition to the ongoing inventory in some areas, the resources in major areas have basically been identified and a number of excellent single plants with large fruit size, good quality and high yield have been selected. After several years of observation and continuous observation after grafting, Excellent traits than the average