兔年元霄,西子湖畔的杭州仍洋溢着欢度春节的气氛。来自祖国四面八方的从事皮革行业管理和皮革协会的负责人先后赶到杭州市新侨饭店,参加’99全国地方皮革协会工作会议,共商扩大合作、拓展市场、推进皮革工业“二次创业”的大计。真是“人勤春来早”,“一年之计在于春”。 在这次会议上,根据中国皮革工业协会发布的’98中国皮革工业十件大事之一“我国猪皮革经过近五十年的发展,行业出口创汇呈现负增长,制革业首次出现全行业亏损”的消息,
In the Lantern Festival of the Rabbit, Hangzhou on the West Lake is still filled with the joy of celebrating the Spring Festival. Leaders from the leather industry management and leather associations from all sides of the motherland rushed to Hangzhou Xinqiao Hotel to participate in the ’99 national local leather association work conference to jointly discuss expanding the cooperation, expanding the market, and promoting the “second venture” of the leather industry. Plan. It is really “people come to work early in spring” and “the plan for the year is spring.” At this meeting, according to the “China Leather Industry Industry Association, one of the 10 major events in China published by the China Leather Industry Association” after nearly 50 years of development of China’s pig leather, the industry’s exports have shown negative growth, and the leather industry has suffered losses for the first time in the industry.” The news,