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旅游业是一门综合性的产业,工业程度的高低直接影响着旅游业发展程度的高低,同时工业的发展可以给旅游业注入更强劲的活力。在城市化加速发展背景下,一座旅游城市是否拥有鲜明的个性形象与有名的城市品牌,已成为该城市综合竞争实力和国际竞争能力的象征和标志。本文通过研究相关工业旅游的概念,探讨国外工业旅游发展现状和成功经验,分析我国工业城市在发展旅游的过程中出现的问题,并结合中国国情探究我国工业旅游城市的发展道路。为促进我国工业旅游城市能更好地发展,笔者认为应从城市工业资源特色、与时代相结合走新型工业化道路、发挥政府主导作用等方面将我国各旅游城市的旅游业与工业发展统筹协调,最终实现共赢。 Tourism is a comprehensive industry. The degree of industrialization directly affects the level of tourism development. At the same time, industrial development can inject more vitality into the tourism industry. Under the background of accelerating urbanization, whether a tourist city has a distinctive personality image and a well-known city brand has become a symbol and symbol of the city’s overall competitive strength and international competitiveness. This paper studies the concept of industrial tourism, discusses the status quo and successful experience of industrial tourism in foreign countries, analyzes the problems that industrial cities in our country develop in tourism, and explores the development path of China’s industrial tourism city based on China’s national conditions. In order to promote the development of China’s industrial tourism city better, the author thinks that we should take overall coordination of the tourism and industrial development in all tourist cities of our country from the characteristics of urban industrial resources, take the new industrialization road by combining with the times, and play the leading role of government. Finally, Achieve win-win.
所谓“心理环境”,主要是指学生学习时的心理状态。心理学研究表明,只有宽松和谐的学习氛围,才会有人格的自由和舒展,才会有思维的活跃与激荡,进而才有创新潜能的迸发。因此,本人在多年的小学信息技术教学实践中,努力为学生创设一种宽松愉悦的心理环境,使课堂真正成为学生自由挥洒的天地,从而最大限度地激发学生的求知欲望,促进学生的全面发展。  创设激发兴趣的情境  心理学研究表明:“浓厚的学习兴趣可以使各种感官