《淅川下寺楚墓》(以下简称《下寺》)一书面世之后,引起国内外学者广泛关注,除国内学者的评论,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校罗泰(Lothar von Falkenhausen)教授撰写了有关书评,并赐手稿征求意见,使我学到很多东西。1991年他曾汇集了我的若干旧作,编译了《论楚国铜器形态》(以下简称《形态》)一文,刊登在德国的一家考古杂志上。这一书评大量引用拙作与《下寺》比较,对我的观点是很好的检验。这里仅就罗文未及或讨论不够之处,拾遗补阙,略陈己见,以供罗泰教授及学界同仁参考。
After the publication of the “Chu Tomb of Xichuan Temple” (hereinafter referred to as “Xia Temple”), it attracted wide attention from domestic and foreign scholars. In addition to comments by domestic scholars, Professor Lothar von Falkenhausen of UCLA wrote a book review And gave manuscript solicit opinions, so I learned a lot. In 1991, he collected some of my old books and compiled the article “On the Form of Chu State Bronzeware” (hereinafter referred to as “Form”), published in an archeological magazine in Germany. This book reviews a large number of references to the “temple” compared to my point of view is a good test. Here only on the Romanian text or discussion is not enough, pick up complement Que, slightly Chen Ji see, for Professor Luo Tai and academic colleagues reference.