四月的杭州,和风拂面,春潮激荡,花似海,柳如浪。杭州的四月,是歌,是舞,是一幅幅秀美的画卷,是一缕缕撩人心弦的动人乐章。四月生长着腾飞的愿望,四月繁茂着富强的向往。这是世纪之交的一个美好春天,这是迎接新世纪的春之交响。在这千金一刻的春光里,为迎接新世纪、完成新的历史任务作好重要思想准备和组织准备的“三讲”集中性教育,在省府大院内有组织有计划地展开。 4月6日下午,省行政中心3号楼会场。省级领导班子、领导干部“三讲”教育动员大会,正在
April in Hangzhou, the wind blows, the spring tide of agitation, flowers like the sea, such as Liu waves. In April, Hangzhou is a song and a dance. It is a beautiful picture and a touching piece of music. April grows with the desire to take off, April prosperous yearning for prosperity. This is a beautiful spring at the turn of the century, which is the spring of the new century. In the golden spring of this precious gold, we have made important ideological preparations and organized preparations for “greeting the new century and completing new historical tasks.” The “three stresses” concentrated education is organized and planned in the provincial compound. On the afternoon of April 6, the administrative center of the province 3 building site. Provincial leadership, leading cadres “three stresses ” education mobilization meeting, is