老年性白内障是老年人的一种常见眼病。据临床观察,在发病初期就开始服中药内治,其疗效很好。但要注意在服药治疗期间注意保护视力,少看电影电视和书刊,忌食生、冷、辛、辣食物,严禁吸烟、喝酒。下面介绍治疗本病验方四则,供患者参考选用。 1、蝉衣、蜗牛各15克,泽泻、云苓、怀山药、巴戟天、粉丹皮、甘菊花、草决明、黄芩、栀子、楮实子各10克。共研细面,蜂蜜为丸,每丸9克,朱砂、滑
Age-related cataracts are a common eye disease in the elderly. According to clinical observations, Chinese medicine has begun to be administered in the early stages of the disease, and its efficacy is very good. However, attention should be paid to the protection of eyesight during drug treatment, watching movies and television and books and magazines, eating raw, cold, spicy and spicy foods, and prohibiting smoking and drinking. Here are four prescriptions for the treatment of this disease for patient reference. 1. 15 grams of silk clothing and snails, 10 grams each of Alisma, Yunzhi, Dioscorea opposita, Morinda, Dandan, Camomile, Cassia, Astragalus, Gardenia, and Fructus. A total of fine flour, honey for the pill, 9 grams per pill, cinnabar, slide