Electric gas transfer (P2G) equipment and gas units, as energy conversion units that connect power and gas systems, are important hubs for future multi-energy interconnected systems. Under competitive energy market conditions, how P2G equipment and gas units construct bidding strategies is an important issue of concern to all parties involved. For P2G plants and gas turbines, the clearing prices for these two markets are unknown when constructing their bidding strategy for competitive electricity and gas markets and can be modeled using probability distributions or other means. Under this background, the optimal auction strategy model of P2G equipment and gas turbine based on scenario analysis is developed. First, a set of scenarios containing probability information was generated using Latin hypercube sampling to process market clearing prices using a probability distribution simulation and to reduce the scenario. After that, the bidding model of P2G equipment and its joint bidding with gas units were set up respectively for P2G equipment to participate in the day-ahead energy markets and FM markets, and the bidding strategies for the next trading day were determined. Then, according to the specific market clearing result, the profit of P2G equipment and gas generating units should be rationally distributed by using the Sharply value method. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the model constructed and the solution method used, and the characteristics of bidding strategies of P2G equipment and gas units are analyzed.