如果把中国篮坛作为大背景,鲁迅先生的这句话,用来形容铁军八一男篮毫不过分。 这是一支名副其实的奇兵劲旅,1995年CBA全国男篮职业联赛正式启动以来,八一男篮连续9次进入总决赛,7次夺冠。“八一队”三个字几乎是“逢战必胜”的代名词,冠军领奖台快成了这支球队的私人“领地”。 中国篮球史因为这支球队的存在而显得那么单一,单一得充满传奇! 今年3月21日,在本赛季CBA半决赛中,八一男篮在客场以117∶95的成绩,一举击败强劲对手江苏队,连续第九次闯进CBA联赛决赛。一位宁波球迷在网上留言说:“我是含着眼泪看到他们取得胜利的,有了八一男篮这样的铁军,中国篮球从此有了永不迷失的精神坐标!”这正是八一男篮给中国篮球带来的最大财富。
If the Chinese basketball as a background, Mr. Lu Xun’s remark, used to describe the Iron Army Bayi men’s basketball is not excessive. This is a true novelty soldier brigade, 1995 CBA National Basketball League was officially launched since the Bayi Men’s Basketball nine consecutive finals, 7 wins. The “Bayi team” is almost synonymous with “victory every fight,” the championship podium quickly became the team’s private “territory.” Chinese basketball history because of the presence of this team seemed so single, full of legendary! March 21 this year, in the CBA semi-final this season, the August 1 men’s basketball on the road to a 117:95 victory in one fell swoop Rival Jiangsu team, for the ninth consecutive break into the CBA League finals. A Ningbo fans message on the net, said: “I saw them with tears to win, with the iron man in the August 1 men’s basketball, basketball in China has never lost the spirit of coordinates!” This is August 1 Men’s basketball to the Chinese basketball the greatest wealth.