马克思站在无产阶级立场上,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的科学方法,创立了劳动价值学说,从而为第一次建立科学的剩余价值学说奠定了坚实的理论基础。 笔者认为在《资本论》第一篇第一章的全四节中,马克思极其深刻地阐明了科学劳动价值学说的基本原理。在第二篇到第六篇中科学地阐明了剩余价值学说(狭义的)基本内容,从中可以清楚地看出马克思的劳动价值学说的理论基础。
Based on the proletarian standpoint, Marx established the theory of labor value by using the scientific method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, laying a solid theoretical foundation for the first establishment of a scientific theory of surplus value. In the author’s opinion, in all four chapters of Chapter One of Capital One, Marx profoundly expounded the basic principle of the theory of the value of scientific labor. In the second to the sixth chapter scientifically expounded the basic content of the theory of surplus value (narrow), from which we can clearly see the theoretical basis of Marx’s theory of labor value.