我们南阳区地处鄂西,与神农架林区接壤。1979年以来,我们从本地区特点出发,开展勤工俭学活动,使山区优势得到充分发挥,取得较好的经济效益,推动了教育事业的发展。我们主要抓了三件事: 一、用事实说明开展勤工俭学活动的必要性。过去我们开展勤工俭学,有两种错误作法:一是丢了教学这个中心,一是不讲经济效益。结果搞了半天,教学质量没有提高,勤工俭学收入也不多。后来一提勤工俭学,大家就心有余悸。这种情况使我们认识到,开展勤工俭学,首先要有个正确的认识,要把它当做整个教育事业的一个组成部分。为帮助大家正确认识这个问题,我们抓了三个典型。一个是向阳小学。该校只有二十二名学生,教师周相尧注意摆正普
We Nanyang District is located in western Hubei Province, and Shennongjia forest bordering. Since 1979, we have set out from the characteristics of this region to carry out work-study programs and give full play to advantages in the mountain areas, achieving better economic returns and promoting the development of education. We mainly catch three things: First, explain the necessity of carrying out work-study programs with facts. In the past we conducted work-study program, there are two kinds of wrong practices: First, the teaching of this lost the center, one does not speak about economic efficiency. The results for a long time, did not improve the quality of teaching, work-study income is not much. Later, working-study program, we have a lingering fear. This situation enables us to realize that to carry out work-study programs, we must first of all have a correct understanding and regard it as an integral part of the entire education program. To help you correctly understand this issue, we have grasped three typical examples. One is sunny primary school. The school only twenty-two students, teacher Zhou Xiang Yao attention is square