Study on Lag time Model of Fire Plume under a Sloped Ceiling

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong542
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It is known that there is a lag time for smoke plume induced by fires transporting from a fire origin to the location of interest underneath an unconfined and flat ceiling.This lag behavior of smoke plume also exists for a fire under a sloped ceiling,and is fundamental to estimate the activation time of a fire detector or other fire extinguishing system.This study focuses on the lag time of smoke plume under a sloped ceiling.Based on the weak-plume theory at early-fire phase and previous studies concerning the fire plume characteristics under a sloped ceiling,a calculation method on lag time of fire plume transporting is presented in theory.Meanwhile,two dimensionless equations predicting the lag time of fire plume for steady fire and unsteady fire are proposed respectively.Furthermore,the critical time calculation equation is also proposed to determine the applicability of quasi-steady assumption for a time-dependent fire. It is known that there is a lag time for smoke plume induced by fires transporting from a fire origin to the location of interest underneath an unconfined and flat ceiling.This lag behavior of smoke plume also exists for a fire under a sloped ceiling, and is fundamental to estimate the activation time of a fire detector or other fire extinguishing system. This study focuses on the lag time of smoke plume under a sloped ceiling. Based on the weak-plume theory at early-fire phase and previous studies concerning the fire plume characteristics under a sloped ceiling, a calculation method on lag time of fire plume transporting is presented in theory. However, two dimensionless equations predicting the lag time of fire plume for steady fire and unsteady fire are are respectively respectively.Furthermore, the critical time calculation equation is also proposed to determine the applicability of quasi-steady-state for a time-dependent fire.
教育是和灵魂打交道的工作。靈魂像化学元素,有时很敏感,碰不得;有时惰性强,怎么启发都不反应。于是,有些年轻教师就沉不住气了,开始不相信学生:孺子尚可教耶?开始怀疑自己:付出真的值得吗?这些我都曾经历过,但三十余年的教学生涯让我沉淀出一个结论:相信教育,相信自己,相信我们的付出不是徒劳的。  收获不期许的惊喜。1990届学生中有一个姓陆的男生,成绩较差,毛病很多,经常遭受老师和同学的白眼。唯一能被发