美国福康工程公司(位于美国阿拉巴马州海伦娜市)目前任命余建先生为中国区首席代表兼亚洲销售总监。他将主要致力于福康工程公司产品在中国市场的份额提升,包括消失模系统及设备、失蜡精密铸造系统及设备、清整设备(如打磨机与切割机),以及铸造用机械手与机器人等。余建先生具有4年的铸造厂生产经验以及14年的铸造设备/铸造材料销售与市场经验。电话:+86 13915574670邮箱:[email protected]
American Fukang engineering company (located in Helena, Alabama, USA) currently appoints Mr. Yu Jian as chief representative and director of sales in Asia. He will focus on Fukang Engineering’s growing market share in China, including lost foam systems and equipment, lost wax casting systems and equipment, cleaning equipment (such as grinding and cutting machines), and foundry robots and robots Wait. Mr. Yu Jian has 4 years of foundry production experience and 14 years of sales experience in casting equipment / foundry materials. Tel: +86 13915574670 E-mail: [email protected]