The crude glycosaminoglycan was extracted from the whole organ of the South China Sea shellfish Jade Mytilus edulis. The glycosaminoglycan product (RG) was obtained after the isoelectric point precipitation of the protein. The glycosaminoglycan content was 52.3%. MTT assay was used to detect the in vitro antitumor activity of glycosaminoglycans on human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell CNE-2Z. The results showed that different doses of RG had different antitumor effects after different times of action. Among them, the tumor inhibition rate of 200μg/mL RG for 72h reached the highest value of 29.3%. The inhibitory effect of RG and 5-Fu combined with the prolongation of the drug action time, the two from the synergistic effect to a simple additive effect.