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1921年7月,13位年轻人,肩负着全国50多名党员的重托,在上海秘密集会,宣告了中国共产党的诞生。 大浪淘沙!在历史的长河中,他们以不同姿态先后走完了人生之旅。 王尽美 中共“一大”之后,王尽美出任中共山东区支部书记。中共二大后,出任中 In July 1921, 13 young people, shouldering the trust of more than 50 party members in the country, met in secret in Shanghai and declared the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. Ebb Tide sand! In the course of history, they have taken different gestures to finish their journey of life. Wang Jinmei Chinese Communist “one big”, the king of the United States as the CPC Shandong branch secretary. After the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China, he took the post
  对于单组分玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einstein condensation,简称 BEC),人们已经在理论与实验方面做了许多研究。而且,BEC 中的孤子作为一种凝聚体的宏观激发引起了许多人