小托马斯·约翰·沃森(Thomas J.Watson Jr),1914年生于美国俄亥俄州的代顿市。1937年毕业于美国布朗大学。毕业后进入航空领域任职,二战时(1942年)到美国空军服役,1946年作为推销员进入IBM,1952年担任IBM总裁。1956年担任IBM董事长。后来成为美国驻前苏联大使,直到1980年。小沃森是IBM(国际商用机器公司)的开拓者。他领导IBM公司进入计算机时代并进一步将其发展为商界巨擘,由此被《财富》杂志称为“有史以来最伟大的资本家”。令IBM闻名遐迩的,是小沃森给所有员工发薪,提供慷慨的报酬和福利计划,确保了员工获得丰厚的待遇,担保终生
Thomas J. Watson Jr., born in Dayton, Ohio, USA, in 1914. 1937 graduated from Brown University. After graduation to enter the aviation field, World War II (1942) to the United States Air Force served in 1946 as a salesman into IBM, 1952 as IBM president. 1956 IBM chairman. Later became the United States Ambassador to the former Soviet Union, until 1980. Little Watson is IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) pioneer. He led IBM into the computer age and further into business giants, which Fortune magazine called “the greatest capitalist ever.” What makes IBM famous is that Little Watson pays all employees and provides generous compensation and benefits plans to ensure that employees receive generous benefits and guarantee a lifetime