The roughness of the material surface has a great influence on its mechanical properties, so the detection of roughness is very important. Over the years people have been working hard to develop roughness detection technology, have appeared interference microscope, contact profiler and other instruments. Although these instruments can detect many different surfaces at atmospheric pressure with higher depth resolution, the lateral resolution is low. For example, the maximum lateral resolution of a contact profiler is only 100 nm, meaning that microstructures smaller than 100 nm can not be detected. SEM has a higher horizontal resolution, but its depth resolution is lower, and can only work in a vacuum environment. The scanning tunneling microscope (STM), developed in the early 1980s, opens new avenues for observing the surface microstructure of materials. The instrument provides simultaneous three-dimensional images of the surface of metals, semiconductors and other materials with high lateral resolution (up to ~ 0.2nm) and depth resolution (up to ~ 0.01nm), even while operating in the atmosphere. This article describes our own developed STM and discusses the use of STM