韭菜沙培是一种简易无土栽培方法。具有病虫害少,产量高,可连续收割,产品干净卫生,净菜率高,栽培场地灵活等突出的优点,近几年我国北方沙培韭菜的面积不断扩大,产品深受消费者的欢迎。为便于该法的推广,现将其主要技术介绍如下。1 选择合适的沙子沙子是沙培的基质,?
Leek sa Pei is a simple soilless cultivation methods. With less pests and diseases, high yield, continuous harvesting, clean and sanitary products, the net rate is high, the cultivation of flexible venues and other prominent advantages in recent years, the area of northern China Pei Saeki continued to expand, the products welcomed by consumers. In order to facilitate the promotion of the law, the main technical introduction is as follows. 1 Choose the right sand Sand is the substrate of sand culture?