The Research of Motivations for Participating in Social Media

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  【Abstract】Purpose- To build customer loyalty, web-based company ought to keep the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory in mind when designing their online products. This paper aims to investigate client motivations for participating in social media and what needs do those platforms they providing satisfy. Design/methodology/approach- In-depth interviews with 5 persons were conducted to collect their rankings of social media sites and the reasons for visiting each of the sites.
  【Key words】Maslow’ s hierarchy of needs; social network
  1. Introduction
  When asking modern people, what is the object they couldn’t be without? The answer must be smartphone. Today, we are able to participate in all kinds of social networks through phones, not only to communicate with other people, but also to conduct the functions of payment, meet the requirement of entertainment and so on which provides huge business opportunities for the internet industry. So, this paper will analyze the customers’ motivations and needs of using the online platforms through the theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and a demographic and psychographic profile of heavy internet users by type of internet usage.
  2. Research design and process
  2.1 Research design
  Different groups of people usually own different values, beliefs and attitudes for the same object. So, people with various cultural backgrounds may have nothing same when participating in the social networks. To ensure the variousness of the interview results, I select five people from different regions and occupations to conduct my interviews.
  There are two main questions in my interview- 1. Could you give me five social media sites used most frequently? 2. And why you visit each of sites? The rankings of social media sites are combined their screen usage time and subjective feelings. This is the result of the interviews.
  2.2 Research result and analysis
  The first interviewee is CHEN qiuhan who works in a head-hunting company as a team manager. She uses WeChat to contact her colleagues, clients, friends and relatives which meets her social needs to a large extent. UC Browser is a useful tool for her work where she searches information about job hunting. It has a close connection with her jobs that she has to follow up the information constantly. Thus, she could do her work better to receive recognition and promotion which satisfies her ego needs. Also, Xiao Hong Shu where people publish their evaluation of products especially cosmetics meets her ego needs. For the sake of work, she makes up every day to maintain modesty which helps win respect from her colleagues and clients. As to Taobao, it is meet both her physiological needs and ego needs. She purchases products from clothing, cosmetics to daily supply. Actually, Tik Tok is something helps her free from daily hard work, which satisfies her self-actualization needs. She said that she felt peaceful and happy when visited this APP. Although her usage time of WeChat is most, which makes her like a socializer, she falls into the web generalist category according to the heavy internet user standards. Because she said the WeChat took over from the e-mail for her.   The second interviewee is JIANG Panpan who works in the advertising department as a new media worker. Her part of motivation of participating in WeChat, Tik Tok and Taobao is the same as the first interviewee. As a new media worker, she needs keep pace with the popular. Tik Tok and Sina micro-blog are not only the entertainment tools, but also something to hunt for useful information and fashionable elements, which meet her ego needs. As to Photoshop APP, it satisfies her self-actualization needs. In fact, she enjoys reporting the meaningful moment of her life and retouching the photos, which is also her hoppy. It’s not hard to see she is a socializer that actively takes part in social network.
  The third interviewee is LI Xinran, a post graduate in Durham University in UK. Obviously, she is an entertainment seeker. Douban, Sina micro-blog where people exchange gossip and Bilibili video meet her self-actualization needs, as she is keen on all kinds of gossip and comedy videos, which brings much fun for her. In addition, Sina micro-blog, as well as WeChat, meet her social needs. She chats with others and posters photos related with her feelings which is a representative social action for young people. As to Love Nikki which satisfies her self-actualization, she said that she got a great sense of fulfillment and achievement when she dressed up the virtual character in the game.
  The fourth interviewee is ZHANG Tianqin, who is a postgraduate in Wuxi, China. When visiting Bilibili Video and Zhihu, she prefers to watch course including sports, programming and so on. And she spends not a little time to recite words in MOMO APP. The above platforms where she improves herself and gets great sense of achievement all meet her ego needs. Moreover, she is a keen amateur photographer. Camera app meets her interest and self-actualization needs. Apparently, she is a self-improver.
  The last interviewee is WEI Jianghui working in a network game company in Shanghai, China.In fact, his motivation of visiting the social network is divided into two needs- social needs and self-actualization needs. Tencent and WeChat play the role of social communication. Also, Glory of Kings, a popular multiplayer online battle arena game, also helps him connect with her friends. He likes whiled away hours by reading novels in Soushu Reader and UC Browser which meet his self-actualization needs. Moreover, he is an entertainment seeker.
  3. Discussion and conclusion   3.1 Main findings
  From my research, I find that the main function of phones is still communication, but the proportion declines. And in China, WeChat is the most popular instant-messaging software that almost every one use it. In addition, the entertainment of smartphone is multiplying, including games, novels, videos and so on. The motivations that people visit social media sites are not limited to the basic needs-physiological needs, they thirst for high-ranking needs.
  3.2 Ideas and strategies
  Firstly, taking costumers’ social needs into consideration is very essential. If the products built an excellent social network, it is easy to conduct viral marketing and attract more users.
  Secondly, pay emphasis on the positive effect for the clients. Whether the products help improve the customers, from appearance, ability, status to reputation, is the content of ego needs. Building an effective information base maybe a great strategy.
  Finally, I believe satisfying the self-actualization needs is the key to keep customer loyalty. Interest is the best motivation. The design of new product ought to grasp the clients’ hobbies.
  To sum up, a good product is designed for the customers, not designed without customers.
  [1]Schiffman, Leon G., and Joseph Wisenblit. Consumer Behavior. Twelfth ed[J]. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2019. Print.
羌城“茶王”李一这两个月憋气得不行,他们公司生产加工的新茶“雀舌”竟无人问津,就连以前几个大庄的老客户,来他这儿订货也只是“蜻蜓点水”,象征性地取十几万的货。仓库里现已囤积了价值几百万元的货,眼看春茶过市,如果再销不出去,李一的万山茶叶有限公司就会破产倒闭。李一这些天想尽了办法都没有打开销路,而他的死对头大山茶叶有限公司却从一开始就门庭若市,其“仙毫”茶销量极好。  要说李一为了这款“雀舌”茶,确
【摘要】初中英语写作对学生提出了更高的要求,要求学生不仅要有扎实的语言基本功,还要有一定的综合运用能力,具体包括审题能力,对信息的处理能力,对文章结构的驾驭能力,对题材的选择以及对文章内容的安排能力。而写作过程就是学生运用逻辑思维进行创作的过程。因此,英语写作教学中应着力培养学生的逻辑思维能力,让学生写作时注意严守逻辑规范,遵守思维规律,使其在文章立意、选材、结构方面都符合逻辑规律。  【关键词】
陈龙这人,知识面广,脑子活络,嘴巴锋利,碰到不平的事他喜欢站出来呛声,还常常取胜,他自嘲为“超毒舌”,并以此为荣。  这天,陈龙忽然接到女儿班主任宋老师的电话,让他务必到学校去一趟。陈龙心里一颤。俗话说得好:不怕天,不怕地,就怕老师叫你去!他忙着问宋老师有什么事。宋老师说电话里不好说,还是去一趟,当面谈谈吧。陈龙忙着应了。  陈龙交代完手头上的工作,赶到学校,宋老师上课去了,他只好在宋老师的办公室
【摘要】外贸谈判是商务活动的重要环节。 外贸英语谈判课程是国贸和商英专业课程体系中必不可少的部分。实践性和综合性是本课程的特色。据此,对我校的《外贸英语谈判实训》课程进行优化,并加以实践,以期更好地培养和提高学生的综合能力。  【关键词】外贸英语谈判实训;优化;实践  【作者简介】来东慧(1968.01-),女,汉族,浙江桐乡人,浙江商业职业技术学院,大学本科,副教授,研究方向:商务英语教学。  
【摘要】本文简要分析思维导图的内涵,以及在提高英语学习有效性、实现信息处理高效化、学习环境情景化、培养学生想象力与提升思维系统性等方面的优越性,尝试利用思维导图巧妙导入,趣学单词,推动课堂有效协作,引导有效阅读,引领学生写作等,全面提升英语课堂有效性,并促进学生思维发展。  【关键词】思维导图;英语;思维课堂  【作者简介】赵蕾,贵州省毕节市民族中学。  英语课程教学作为一种认知活动,需要思维作为
中午在食堂吃饭  女神:一个人优雅地吃,或者召集几个小跟班。  软妹:和闺蜜嘻嘻哈哈讨论可爱的小东西或者八卦。  女汉:和另几个女汉一起讨论感兴趣的事,感到好笑就大力拍桌。  看到有老鼠  女神:哪位男生来帮忙捉一下?  软妹:啊啊啊,有老鼠!人家好怕!  女汉:噢,这种东西很常见啊。  衣柜  女神:有条有理,一丝不苟,整齐到爆  软妹:各种糖果色晃瞎你可爱的小眼睛  女汉:What?我衣柜呢?