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随着中国经济的快速发展,以及经济学理论研究的进步,区域经济发展研究变得日益重要起来。从当前理论界的研究来看,关于两者之间关系的研究主要存在三种认识。在笔者看来,交通运输与区域经济的关系可以概括为吸收和辐射两种模式。我们要正确把握交通运输和区域经济发展的关系,使得两者互动发展。 With the rapid development of China’s economy and the progress of economic theory research, the study of regional economic development has become increasingly important. Judging from the current theoretical research, there are mainly three kinds of research about the relationship between the two. In my opinion, the relationship between transport and regional economy can be summarized as two modes of absorption and radiation. We must correctly grasp the relationship between transport and regional economic development and make the two interact with each other.
斯托利亚尔在《数学教育学》一书中指出:“数学教学也就是数学语言的教学。”数学语言是一种由数学符号、数学术语和经过改进的自然语言组成的科学语言,在初中数学教学中,教师一般不宜直接使用数学语言作为讲授语言。而必须根据学生的知识基础和心理特征,将数学语言转化为容易被学生所接受的语言。即采用数学语言和教学语言融为一体的语言——数学教学语言。  数学教学语言是一种以数学知识为基本内容。以学生为施教对象,以规