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老马蹒跚在崎岖的山路上,心里直后悔;若非晌午在山脚的小店与那穷汉顶撞得红眉毛绿眼睛,自已也不会负气赶路落在这前不着村后不挨店的荒野山岭上。老马是牛贩子,把山中的病牛老牛便宜买来,一倒手卖给山外,就能赚上一大笔钱。他每年都往山中打几个来回,受罪不少,利润却喜煞人。时值深秋,天暗得快。很快地,浓重的夜色吞没了苍茫蜿蜒的群山。四野黑漆漆一片,夜像怪兽一样张开阴森大口。更让老马颇觉晦气和诅咒的,是此时又刮起风、飞起雨来。 Ma old hobbled in the rugged mountain, the heart straight regret; if at noon at the foot of the shop and the poor man hit the red eyebrow green eyes, they will not be off-loaded with the road before the village does not endure the wilderness mountain range on. Horses are cattle traders, cattle and cattle in the mountains to buy cheap cattle, a hand sold to the mountains, you can make a lot of money. Every year, he hits a few back and forth in the mountains. Late autumn, dark days faster. Soon, the thick night swallowed the vast meandering mountains. Yoshino dark paint a dark night like a monster open wide mouth. More so that the old horse quite unlucky and cursed, it is blowing at this time, flying rain.
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80多岁的老太太赖斯,一个人住在美国纽约一条简陋巷子的老宅子里,丈夫早在20多年前就去世了。或许是对逝去丈夫的思念,也或是为了打发多余的时光,20多年里,她养成了一个特别怪异的嗜好——动不动就翻出丈夫的遗物,或擦拭他的遗像,一遍又一遍,这一折腾下来,就是大半天。  那天,正好是一个阴雨天,外面下着密密麻麻的小雨,赖斯坐不住了,又忙着去翻动丈夫的遗物。让她恼火的是丈夫生前用过的一只手套,被可恶的老鼠
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